The 864th Strategic Missile Squadron
(IRBM-Jupiter) was activated at the US Army Ballistic Missile Division,
Huntsville, Alabama on an. 15, 1958. The remaining two Jupiter
squadrons were the 865 and 866th which were activated at the Redstone Arsenal on June 1 and Sept 1, 1958 respectively. The mission of
the 866th Strategic Missile Squadron was to train Italian and Turkish crews in the
maintenance and operation of the Jupiter.SM-78/PGM-19. They were produced by the Army's
Michigan Missile Plant which
operated by the Chrysler Corporation. The 110,000 pound missile
was 55 feet long and had a diameter of 8.75 feet. A single stage North
American Rocketdyne S-3 liquid oxygen rocket engine , mustering
1050,000 lbs static thrust, provided a range of 1,976 miles. The
nuclear warhead consisted of a single reentry vehicle with a yield of approximately one megaton. The Sm-78 Jupiter was operational
between 1960 and 1963. |
SPECIFICATIONS Length: Diameter: Weight: Armament: Engine:
Thrust: Cost: |
Max. range: Max.
altitude: |
