Bombardment Wing
341st Strategic Missile Wing
Motto "World
Peace through Air Strength" |
Based at: Dyess
AFB, Malmstrom AFB
Aircraft: B-47, KC-97, Minuteman Missiles
Status: Active Missile Wing?
Squadrons: 10 BS, 12 BS, 490 BS, 491 BS, 10 MS, 12 MS, 464 MS, 490
MS, 11 AR
Links: Malmstrom AFB?
Established as the 341st Bombardment Wing,
Medium, on March 23, 1953. Activated Sept 1, 1955 at Abilene
(later, Dyess) AFB, Texas.
B-47 Stratojets and KC-97 tankers
Performed strategic bombardment training
operations on a global scale January 1956 to May 1961 and air refueling
February 956 to May 1960. Deployed at Anderson AFB, Guam January -
April 1958. It's B-47s were being phased out so the wing was
ordered to phase down for inactivation during April - June 1961.
Discontinued and inactivated as a bomb wing on June 25,
Minuteman Missiles
Redesignated 341st Strategic Missile Wing (ICBM
- Minuteman) and activated on July 1, 1961 at Malmstrom AFB, Montana on
July 15, 1961.
The 341st became the USAF's first Minuteman
ICBM Wing . It supervised missile training and coordinated silo
construction July 1961 - July 1963 and Oct 1964 - May 1967. The
first missile squadron was formed in December, 1961. First
Minuteman I missile arrived at Malmstrom on July 23, 1962. First
missile emplaced in it's silo on Aug 17, 1962. First missile on
alert Oct 26, 1962 and three squadrons became operational by early July
1963. A fourth squadron was added later, becoming combat ready in
May 1967. Selected as SAC's outstanding missile wing in
1969. Received Minuteman II in 1967 and
Minuteman III in 1975
"We are now the only
remaining "Deuce" or REACT-B ICBM unit in existence; i.e., squadron
interconnectivity is by both cable lines and radio signals (more
survivable supposedly after a NUDET) where all other ICBM squadrons have
only a spider web of cables within the squadron." Received Feb. 2002
from Capt. Jody Addison; Flight Commander, 564 Missile Squadron;
Malmstrom AFB, Montana.
The four bombardment squadrons flew
10 BS: Assigned Sept 1, 1955 - June 25, 1961
12 BS: Assigned Sept 1, 1955 - June 25, 1961
490 BS: Assigned Sept 1, 1955 - June 25,1961
491 BS: Assigned Nov 1, 1958 - June 25, 1961
Three of the bomb squadrons
were redesignated missile squadrons. A fourth was added in 1966.
10 MS: Assigned Dec 1, 1961 -
12 MS: Assigned March 1, 1962
- (Not operational March 1 - June
15, 1962
464 MS: Assigned April 1,
(Not operational Apr 1 - Oct 1966)
490 MS: Assigned May 1, 1962
- (Not operational
May 1 - Sept 15, 1962)
11 AR: Assigned Dec 1 1955 - June 1, 1960 (Detached Dec 19,
1956 - April 10, 1957,
Jan 9 - April 4, 1958 and
July10 - Sept 26, 1958
Status as of April 2003
Information from website:
10th Strategic Missile Squadron
Active, but no information on website
12th Strategic Missile Squadron
In 1961, the 12th Bombardment Squadron was inactivated.
Three months alter it was reactivated as the 12th Strategic Missile
Squadron (SMS).At the same time, it was assigned to the Strategic Air
Command for organization at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana. Upon
organization, it became the second Minuteman ICBM squadron in the Air
During the mid-1960s the 12th replaced it. its 50
Minuteman I missiles with Minuteman IIs. The 12th SMS was the first
squadron at Malmstrom to undergo weapon system upgrade to Minuteman Mod;
and on April 22, 1967, it was the first squadron to become fully
operational with the new Minuteman II missiles under this program. The
12th SMS was also the first squadron in the wing to undergo silo upgrade.
By 1978, the Improved Launch Control System (ILCS) had replaced the
Minuteman Mod system and the 12th SMS once again had the state-of-the-art
weapon system. The 12th Missile Squadron (MS) led the way in removing
Minuteman II missiles and replacing them with Minuteman III's. The new
missile enhances capability, increases flexibility, and marks yet another
system upgrade In 1994, the 12 MS reorganized under the objective
squadron concept. This reorganization took the three combat disciplines,
ICBM Operations, Security Police, and Electro- mechanical Maintenance, and
combined them under the "one hat" of the missile squadron commander.
The squadron recently underwent conversion of its five launch control
centers to the Rapid Execution and Combat Targeting (REACT) modification
integrating digital communications and weapon system operations into a
single war-fighting console. This unique upgrade provided increased
reliability, supportability, and operability to our ICBM launch control
490th Strategic Missile Squadron
The 490th is unique
in that it is the only Missile Squadron to have deployed both "A" and "B"
model missiles. The first major upgrade to the weapon system at Malmstrom
began in 1967 with the implementation of the Force Modernization Program.
During this modification, the 490th’s 42 Minuteman I "A" models and 8
Minuteman I "B" models were replaced by 50 Minuteman II "F" models. The
490th had the distinction of possessing the last "A" model on strategic
alert until it was removed from its LF on 12 February 1969. The Force
Modernization Program was completed at Malmstrom when Kilo flight was
returned to the wing on 27 May 1969.
The second major upgrade commenced in
April 1977. Known as the Improved Launch Control System (ILCS) Program,
this project enhanced the effectiveness and survivability of the weapon
system by incorporating electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection to various
system hardware and software. This program was completed on 1 March 1979
at a cost of 365 million dollars.
On 28 September 1991, the end of an era
was marked as President George Bush ordered all Minuteman II missiles and
strategic bombers removed from strategic alert. This was to be the end of
service for the Minuteman II missile but marked the beginning of another
major modernization effort for the 490th. In 1992, Malmstrom began its
conversion to Minuteman III missiles. Since this process was scheduled to
take several years, the primary mission of the 490th was to deposture the
Minuteman IIs. In March 1995, the 490th became the first squadron at
Malmstrom AFB to begin the deployment of the Rapid Execution And Combat
Targeting (REACT) system. With REACT, Missile Combat Crews have a
dramatically improved command
564th Strategic Missile Squadron
14 December 1965, the 564th was reactivated in its current role as an ICBM
squadron at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana. Equipped with the then-new
Minuteman II missile, the unit was declared fully operational on 3 May
1967. In 1975, the squadron received the state-of-the-art Minuteman III
missile and in the following year the first squadron to receive remote
targeting capability with the Command Data Buffer (CDB) system. In
September 1978, the Guidance Improvement Program (GIP) enhanced the
accuracy of the squadron’s missiles. The most recent modification named
Rapid Execution and Combat Targeting (REACT), enables the squadron to
respond to NCA targeting directives in near real time.
Today the 564th is
a vital contributor to the 341 Missile Wing’s nuclear deterrent mission;
operating, supporting, maintaining, and securing 5 Missile Alert
Facilities (MAFs) and 50 Minuteman III missiles. Its greatest asset,
however, has nothing to do with hardware. Since its inception in World War
II, this squadron has been blessed with the finest personnel in the US Air
Force. Our Medal of Honor winner, 2Lt Lloyd Hughes, is a testament to the
ideal of service before self. That proud tradition continues today as we
boast of the finest missileers, chefs, facility managers, and security
forces in the world! |