SAC Bases:
Plattsburgh AFB |
Current Status |
Plattsburgh AFB
was located in the extreme northeast corner of the United, only twenty
miles from the Canadian Border. Immediately to the east was Lake
Champlain. Burlington, Vermont was on the opposite shore. The base closed on September 25, 1995, pursuant
to the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 (10 U.S.C. Sec. 2687
note) and the recommendations of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment
Commission. It is now an industrial complex, operated by the
Plattsburgh Air Base Development Authority. |
History of American Military Forces at
Plattsburg: |
Plattsburgh was the
oldest military post in the United States The original
military reservation was purchased by the Federal Government on Dec.30,
1814 and consisting of only 200 acres. Additional parcels of land
were acquired and stone barracks were built to house "Plattsburgh
Barracks" personnel in 1838. Many different types of units have
valiantly served at Plattsburgh over the years using a great variety of weapons, from muskets and cannons to the sophisticated FB-111As and
Its early importance was due to its
location on Lake Champlain. During the Colonial era, the lake provided the
only method of transportation trough the wilderness area of what is now
New York State and Vermont. In 1609, Samuel de Champlain, the French
founder of Quebec, discovered the lake for France and fought the Iroquois
Indians near its southern end. As years passed, the lake became a military
highway for both French and British expeditions that occurred regularly
after the first French raid on the Iroquois nation in 1665. In 1776,
Benedict Arnold commanded an American fleet that fought the British just
four miles south of the present location of Plattsburgh AFB, near Valcour
island. Upon termination of the Revolutionary War, there was no military
activity in the Plattsburgh area for over 30 years.
At the beginning of
the War of 1812, Plattsburgh again became a center of military activity. A
considerable force of regular troops was maintained at Plattsburgh
throughout the War of 1812. However, no significant battles occurred until
1813 when in the summer, the British forces cleared the Lake of the few
American vessels remaining. On Sept.3, 1814, 14,000 British troops crossed
the Canadian border and started advancing south. The British met little
resistance until they reached the town of Plattsburgh. Brigadier General
Macomb with a total force of 1,500 regulars and 700 militia stopped the
British land force at the Saranac River by burning the bridge in order to
make any British crossing a costly one.
Headquarters Building of the
820th Air Division was on the Old Base, built by the Army |
With the close of the War of 1812, Plattsburgh was not
abandoned as it had been after the Revolutionary War. Instead, Troops were stationed in the Plattsburgh area from 1814
trough 1846. The barracks were again occupied from 1848 trough 1861. In
1865, the Army again occupied Plattsburgh Barracks and maintained its
presence until 1944. The 21st Infantry was transferred from Plattsburgh
Barracks to Cuba in June 1898, to fight the Spanish military in the
Spanish-American War. After the Cuban campaign was completed, the troops
returned to Plattsburgh in September 1898. The 26th Infantry Regiment of
the "Iron first " division was stationed at Plattsburgh Barracks during
the period between World War I and II. The unit left Plattsburgh in 1942
to begin the long trek from the African sands to the vast fields of
For a short time during 1942 and 1943, the Barracks
became a training site for combat engineers. Then in 1944, it was turned
over to the Navy and became Camp MacDonough, an indoctrination school for
officers. The name came from Lt. MacDonough, a young officer who was
transferred from Portsmouth to Burlington to take over the vessels from
the Continental Army, which was not doing a very good job up there. He
went to Vergennes, VT and built his fleet there, floating it down the
Otter River, some 10 miles away, to Lake Champlain. After a minimal
training period and a near disaster near Isle aux Noix, his fleet was
victorious in totally destroying the British fleet in the Battle of
Plattsburgh. The Camp was turned over to the Army Air Forces on Jan.1,
1945. On March 15, 1946, the AAF turned the barracks over to the Army
Engineers in preparation of closing. Two weeks later, the New York State
Housing Commission made the Barracks facilities available for college
student housing for area colleges and extensions schools. The college
continued its operations until 1953.
The Barracks were then returned to
the Federal government for use as a Strategic Air Command bomber base and
Plattsburgh Barracks were renamed Plattsburgh Air Force Base. The Air
Force held a ground breaking ceremony for the new strategic base on
Jan.29, 1954 and construction began immediately. The runway was completed
and the first aircraft (KC-97) landed on November 7, 1955. However,
operational facilities were not completed until 1956 due to several work
stoppages and severe winter weather. Shortly after the operational
facilities were opened, the 380th Bombardment Wing arrived. 12 Atlas ICBM
sites were completed and operational by mid-1962. Major construction for
FB-111A operations took place between 1968 and 1972. |
The 380th Bomb Group of World War II |
The distinguished and colorful history of the 380th
dates back to Oct.28, 1942 when the unit was established. The 380th
Bombardment Group (Heavy) was activated on Nov.3, 1942 at Davis-Monthan
Field, Tucson, AZ. Originally, the 380th BG consisted of four bombardment
squadrons, the 528th, 529th, 530th and 531st. Shortly after being
activated, the group moved to Biggs Field, El Paso, TX where it underwent
extensive combat training. After completing training, the 380th BG moved
to Lowry Field, Denver, Co. to undergo final combat training. In early May
1943, the Group arrived in the Northern Territory of Australia. The 380th
BG was the only B-24 unit attached to the Royal Australian Air Force and
was assigned to the Darwin area in the Northern Territory to secure
Australia's safety against threatened Japanese invasion. Upon its arrival
in Australia, the 380th BG immediately began combat operations. During
April and May 1944, the 380th engaged in the most intensive and sustained
operations since arrival in the Southwest Pacific, neutralizing the rear
bases through which the Japanese might reinforce their air force in the
Wakde-Hollandia area. From the end of May 1944 until it moved to the
Philippines in February 1945, the 380th BG concentrated on neutralizing
enemy bases, installations and industrial compounds in the southern and
central East Indies. In April 1945, Far East Air Force relieved the 380th
of its ground support commitments in the Philippines. During the month,
the Group flew the first heavy bomber strikes against targets in China and
French Indochina. In June 1945, the 380th was placed under the operational
control of the 13th Air Force for pre-invasion attacks against Labuan and
Balkpapan in Borneo. For nearly two weeks, the Group's Liberators kept
these targets under a state of aerial siege. After the Borneo raids, the
380th flew its last missions to Formosa.
After the cessation of hostilities, the 380th flew
reconnaissance patrols over the Japanese islands and ferried released
prisoners of war to Manila. On Oct.18, 1945, the unit was transferred to
the 7th Air Force, where it participated in the Sunset Project, the return
of B-24s and their crews to the United States. The 380th Bombardment group
remained inactive from Feb.20, 1946 until its redesignation from Heavy to
Very Heavy on May 13, 1947. On May 29, 1947, the Group was activated at
McDill Field, Tampa, Fla., as a reserve unit. The group remained an
inactive reserve unit until being called to active duty on May 1, 1951.
Fifteen days later on may 16, 1951, after the personnel had been processed
for active duty and transferred to other units for service in the Korean
War, the Group was deactivated. |

A B-47 from the 380th Bomb
Wing |
The 380th Bomb Wing - B-47 era |
The 380th
Bombardment Wing (Medium) was activated at Plattsburgh Air Force Base,
Plattsburgh, NY on July 11, 1955. At the same time, the 528th, 529th and
530th Bombardment Squadrons were also activated. During July and August,
the personnel assigned to the Wing arrived at Plattsburgh. In December
1955, the first B-47 was assigned to the Wing but instead of being flown
to Plattsburgh AFB, was delivered to Pinecastle AFB, Florida, at Det 1, 380th BMW because of the delays in
completing the facilities at Plattsburgh.
Major Harold L. Neal piloted the first flight of a
B-47 by a 380th's crew on Jan.27, 1956 at Pinecastle. For the next several
months, training continued while additional B-47s were assigned to the
Wing. By the end of January 1956, 16 B-47s were assigned to the wing and
increased to 30 by the end of April. The first B-47E arrived on March 21,
1956 piloted by Brigadier General Kenneth O. Sanborn, first commander of
the 820th Air Division headquartered at Plattsburgh AFB. The aircraft was
christened "City of Plattsburgh" the next day. In September 1956, the
380th Air Refueling Squadron, flying the KC-97s, was transferred to
Plattsburgh AFB from Sheppard AFB, TX. The Wing was declared combat ready
on Oct.1, 1956.
In April 1957, the 380th deployed to Brize Norton, UK
for a three months period. During this deployment, Wing's B-47 inaugurated
the "Three Capitals" air race. The occasion was the Paris Air Show held at
Le Bourget Field in Paris, France. On May 28, 1957, three B-47s from the
380th BW took off from Brize Norton and flew over Le Bourget to start the
race. The object of the race was to fly from Paris to Madrid to Rome and
back to Paris, and the prize was the General Electric Trophy. A B-47E from
the 529th BS won the 2,346 statute miles race in 4 hours 12 minutes and 7
seconds, with an average speed of 558 miles per hour. The aircraft,
commanded by Capt. Robert E. Sheridan was piloted by 1st Lt. J. L. Mombrea
with Capt. Frank R. Beadle as Observer. The wing redeployed to PAFB in
June 1957.
On July 18, 1957, the Wing suffered its first
peacetime major accident. A KC-97G from the 380th ARS with a crew of eight
exploded and crashed into Lake Champlain when 2 of the 4 engines failed 3
minutes after take-off from Plattsburgh AFB at 9:28 p.m. On October 1,
1957, SAC commenced 24-hour alert status and the 380th BW was incorporated
into the SAC alert force. During February 1959, the Wing gained both the
820th Air Base Group and the 4020th USAF Hospital. Both of these units had
previously been assigned to the 820th Air Division, located at Plattsburgh
AFB. The 531st BS was activated and assigned to the 380th in May 1959.
Later that year, on Aug.7, another unit was attached to the Wing from the
820th AD, the 26th Air Refueling Squadron. The 531st was deactivated on
Jan.1, 1962.
In 1959, the 308th Bomb Wing at Forbes AFB,
Kansas began its transition from B-47s to Titan II Missiles. It was to
become the 308th Strategic Missile Wing. Most of its aircraft were
sent to Plattsburgh, where they were incorporated into the 380th Bomb
Wing. The 380th became SAC's only "Super Wing." From
July 1959 to June 1960, it had 70 B-47s and 40 KC-97s.
Between July 20, 1962 and December 24, 1964, the 380th
also flew EB-47 assigned to the 4365th Post Attack Command and Control
Squadron. On Jan.15, 1962, the Wing suffered its second aircraft lost when
a B-47E (tail number 2119) assigned to the 529th BS on a routine training flight making bomb
runs over Fort Drum crashed on the southeast slope of Wright's Peak ( a
mountain top 60 miles south of Plattsburgh AFB). The wreckage was
discovered on the 21st by a group of US Army pilot from Fort Devens, Mass.
Later that same year, on Oct.22, 1962, the Wing responded to the Cuban
Missile Crisis. As at all SAC bases, every bomber on the base was
prepared for war. Nuclear weapons were often seen on the flight
line, but this was different. They were everywhere as all the planes
were being simultaneously uploaded. One airman commented, "If they had
pylons under the wings, they'd stick them on the tankers too."
The wing was ordered to deployed eight of its B-47s to an
unknown dispersal base. Orders were sealed and pilots were not
permitted to open them until the plane was airborne. They went out to
their planes and were surprised to find the planes sitting very high on
their struts. They were practically empty. Only 3,000 pounds
of jet fuel had been put each of the main tanks. That's only 460
gallons. The plane used its drop tanks to taxi, but at full
throttle, as when taking off, each of its jet engines consumed 35 gallons
per minutes. Each man tank fueled two engines. The pilots
quickly calculated that they had only six and half minutes of flying time.
The aircrews did not know where they were going and had never heard of a
low altitude refuelings. All were very apprehensive. As the
planes left the ground, the pilots tore open their orders and were
surprised to find that they were being ordering to Burlington Airport,
just across Lake Champlain - an easy three minute flight. Then it
made sense. The planes were carrying minimum fuel to reduce weight
making it easier for them to stop on the short 5,000 runway. A good
plan, at least on paper. One plane suffered the loss of two engines
on final approach and slammed into the runway so hard that it snapped off
its JATO collar. Six of the rockets ignited and one went through a
hanger at Burlington. Each tank fed two jet engines, which at full
throttle - as in takeoff - consume 35 gallons per minutes for a total of
70 gallons per minutes. All of the planes main tires blew out
and the metal mesh reinforced rubber tread tore large holes on the
underside of the aircraft. Maintenance crews were dispatched from
the base and quickly repaired the damage. The
aircraft and personnel stayed at Burlington until Nov.25, 1962. The
wings other aircraft and personnel remained on alert at Plattsburgh
On Sept.15, 1964, the 380th Bombardment Wing was
redesignated the 380th Strategic Aerospace Wing (Heavy) and was composed
of three B-47 squadrons (528th, 529th and 530th), the 380th Air Refueling
Squadron, the 556th Strategic Missile Squadron, the 380th Combat Support
Group and the 820th Medical Group. On Sept. 18, the Wing received its
first KC-135A flown by Col. Harold J. Whiteman and a four-man crew
composed of Maj. Creston Fowler (commander),Capt. Robert J. Svoboda
(co-pilot), Capt. Robert D. Smith (navigator) and TSgt. Roy W. Rebstock
(boomer). The aircraft was christened the same day, "Spirit of the North
Country" by Mrs Gladys Ellison. Mrs Ellison's husband was SMSgt. Guin B.
Ellison, Maintenance Supervisor of the Year for the 380th.
September 1965 saw one of the Wing's B-47s, "Pride of the
Adirondacks" departing Plattsburgh AFB for
SAC's 14th Bombing and Navigation competition at Fairchild AFB,
Washington. Six days later, that same aircraft returned to Plattsburgh
being hailed as the "World's Best B-47" after having won top honors among
all SAC B-47 units in 3 of 4 competition areas for the B-47s. "Pride of
the Adirondacks" was commanded by Maj. Charles W.Patrick with Capt. John
V. Wilcox for co-pilot and Maj. Robert A. Wickland as navigator. The crew
won 'Best B-47 Crew, Bombing', 'Best B-47 Crew, Combined' and 'Best B-47
Unit'. Within three weeks of that triumph, the first B-47 departed for
storage at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ. as part of an accelerated phase-out of
the type. On Dec.14, separated by 15-minute intervals, the last three
B-47s to leave the base took off, thus closing the era of this medium
bomber in the North Country. The final three B-47s to leave and their
crews were Number 1864, Maj. Francis J.Marshall, Maj. Gene S.Boaz and
Capt. Marion A. Meckstroth. Number 1965, Maj. Charles C.Rock, Capt. Melvin
L.Jackson and Capt. Charles F. Fagan. Number 1955, Captains Percy
J.Schroeder, Ronald R.Hollenbaugh and Anthony Perez. The tail numbers 1955
and 1965 represented the decade B-47s had been assigned at Plattsburgh
AFB. Also of historic significance, Maj. Marshall and Captains Jackson,
Hollenbaugh, and Schroeder had been assigned there since 1955.
Alert Crew "Mole Hole"
Alert force aircraft were parked on the ramp in front of it.
The tunnels gave all weather access, important during winter blizzards |
Atlas Missiles |
Plattsburgh AFB had the only ICBM missile ever deployed east of the
Mississippi River. During 1961 and 1962, the physical appearance of
the area surrounding Plattsburgh AFB underwent changes as construction
began on 12 "Atlas F" missile sites. the sites were built within a 50 miles
radius of the base and were completed in 1963, at an average cost of $3
million each. The missile silos were built inside gigantic holes 174 feet
deep and 54 feet wide into solid rock. Approximately 8,000 cubic yards of
concrete and tons of structural steel were used in each hole to create a
blast proof, underground silo, protected by massive overhead doors for the
81-feet missiles. A single underground blockhouse containing launch
consoles and personnel quarters was constructed at each site. The squadron
was equipped with 13 missiles, allowing each silo to have its Atlas
missile with one left for spare. When one missile in a silo was scheduled
for maintenance, the spare missile kept at PAFB was sent to replace it.
This allowed the 380th to maintain 12 ready to launch missiles seven days
a week.
All sites were in New York state except for two located on the
other side of Lake Champlain in Vermont. The 556th Strategic Missile
Squadron, formerly assigned to Dow AFB, Maine, was transferred to
Plattsburgh AFB on October 1,1961 and became completely operational on
Dec. 20, 1962. This was the last Atlas squadron to be accepted and the
only Intercontinental Ballistic Missile base east of the Mississippi
River. The 556th's last operational day was April 30, 1965 with the
Squadron's inactivation on June 25, 1965. The inactivation was part of a
phase-out of US first-generation missiles, the Atlas series and Titan 1
models, which was announced by Robert S. McNamara, Secretary of Defense, on
Nov. 19, 1964. |
B-52 Stratofortress |
To replace the B-47s, the Wing was assigned the B-52G
"Stratofortress" bomber and the first B-52G to arrive was christened
"Champlain Lady" by Mrs. Wallace Wall Jr., wife of Col. Wall Jr., 380th
SAW commander, during dedication ceremonies on June 19, 1966. Transferring
here from Loring AFB, Maine, the giant B-52s assigned to the 528th BS took
positions on the base flightline next to the KC-135s of the 380th ARS. The
crew selected to fly the first B-52G to Plattsburgh was comprised of Maj.
Paul W.Maul, aircraft commander; Capt. George W.Bliss, copilot; Maj.
Herbert H.Miller, radar navigator; Capt. David L.Scearce, navigator; Maj.
John D.DeGraaf, electronics warfare officer; and MSgt. Donald E.Brooks,
At least that's the official version. Actually
the 380th was unexpectedly assigned its first B-52 in
September 1962. It wasn't planned, it just happened. The
circumstances are detailed in SAC Accident
Prevention Bulletin. Dated
4 Dec., 1963, [No. SAC-F-SAC Acdt 63-14]
it reads: |
The B-52 made a penetration at its home base, executed a missed
approach, and subsequently landed at the weather alternate.
The pilot taxied off the runway, stopped, and proceeded with his
after landing checklist. Numbers
4 and 5 engines were advanced to 82% power to reset the stabilizer trim. At that time, the aircraft commander noticed that the
aircraft started to roll forward. He
then queried the copilot to determine if he had released the parking
brakes. The copilot replied
that he had not released the brakes, but he had thought the aircraft
commander had done so. As
indicated in their statements, neither the aircraft commander nor the
copilot had released the brakes. The aircraft commander checked the
braking action and found it normal and proceeded to the parallel taxiway
. After reapplying the
brakes he found no response and no deceleration of the aircraft. The
copilot then attempted to apply the brakes, but to no avail, and he was
instructed to shut down engines 1, 2, 7 and 8 and notify the tower of
the difficulty. The
remaining engines, with the exception of number 5 were shut down in an
attempt to reduce engine thrust and maintain hydraulic pressure.
During the period that lack of braking action was experienced,
there were no indication on the hydraulic panel of a malfunction or
failure of any of the systems. After
it was determined that the aircraft could not be controlled due to lack
of braking action, the tower was again notified that complete engine
shut down was being performed. Number
5 engine was shut down in the belief the aircraft would roll to a stop
based on the evaluation of the terrain features at that time.
The left wing of the B-52 contacted the external drop tank of
KC-97 153. The B-52 rolled
further and collided with KC-97 185 which in turn swung around and hit
KC-97 651. Immediately
after the B-52 contacted the first KC-97 the aircraft commander alerted
the crew to prepare to abandon the aircraft.
He then left his seat and proceeded to the lower deck to prepare
for egression. The copilot remained in his seat until the aircraft came
to a rest. The distance
traveled from the time all engines were in cut off to the final stopping
point was approximately 3,000 feet.
The B-52 sustained major damage to the right wing and all engines
on the ride side as well as the drop tank, left wing tip, radome, and
moderate damage to the fuselage adjacent to the radome.
KC-97 153 sustained damage to the drop tanks and leading edge of
the right wing. KC-97 651
sustained right wing damage. KC-97
195 had major damage to the nose section, number 4 engine was torn from
the nacelle, number 1 engine prop and engine were damaged and both wings
were damaged. |
That’s the official SAC version.
The flight line had its own version.
First, it was a brand new B-52G from Loring or Dow AFB in
Maine. The plane
had less than 300 hours on it. Tower
radioed the plane, volunteering to send out a Coleman tractor out to tow
it in. The pilot turned down the offer.
He was apparently
proud to be strutting his
brand new plane into an old B-47 base and did not want to suffer such an
The SAC version stated that the pilot,
"proceeded to the lower deck to prepare for egression."
It neglected to say he jumped out of the plane and ran for his
life. The young copilot stayed with the plane and was awarded a
It's not every day that a B-52 takes out three
of its own tankers. The big joke that circulated the base was that
the wing commander sped out to the flight line, looked over the damage,
then called over the pilot. He put his hand on the pilot's
shoulder and said, "Just think son, two more and you've have been
an ace." One of the tankers was scrapped. The
other two repaired. The buff was assigned to our wing and towed to our big
hanger, where a team from Boeing tried to put it back together again.
The 529th and 530th Bombardment Squadron were inactivated on June
25, 1966. After the arrival of the new type, another new unit was assigned
to the Wing on Jan.25, 1967, the 310th Air Refueling squadron. During the
first week of April 1967, the 380th SAW flew its first 'Bar None' exercise
since the coming to Plattsburgh of the B-52 and received an 'Outstanding'
rating. The 'Bar None' exercise was a mean for testing the wing's
capability to perform its Emergency War Order mission. On Jan.21, 1968,
tragedy struck again the 380th Strategic Aerospace Wing when B-52G
58-0188, crashed near Thule Air Base in Greenland. The aircraft was flown
by a crew from the 528th BS and was carrying four hydrogen bombs when it
crashed into an ice covered bay at the western tip of Greenland. The crew
of seven was composed of Capt. John Baug (commander), Capt. Leonard
Svitenko (co-pilot), Maj. Frank Hopkins (radar navigator), Capt. Curtis
Criss (navigator), Capt. Richard Max (electronic warfare), SSgt. Calvin
Snapp (gunner) and Maj. Alfred J.D'amario (safety officer from Wing HQ).
Sadly, Capt. Svitenko was killed during the crash.
The Wing's involvement in the Vietnam War was one of
temporary duty assignments. Tanker and bomber crews of the 380th were
temporarily assigned to the Pacific theater in support of B-52 "Arc Light"
missions and KC-135 "Young Tiger" operations. The KC-135 crews and
aircraft supported Southeast Asia operations from October 1966 until 1973.
The B-52 crews served from 1968 until 1970. The stay of the B-52s assigned
to the 380th was destined to be short. In 1968, plans were initiated to
bring the Air Force's newest strategic aircraft to Plattsburgh AFB, the
FB-111A. In October 1970, the phaseout of the B-52s assigned to the 380th
SAW began when the first aircraft was transferred to Fairchild AFB, Wash.
The last B-52G left Plattsburgh AFB on Jan.5, 1971. Base personnel,
dependents and civilian dignitaries attended a ceremony with an opening
speech by Col. G.R. Abendhoff, wing commander. Crew members for this last
B-52G out of Plattsburgh were Col. Abendhoff, Maj. Elmer L. Bradford,
aircraft commander; Capt. William Peavey, copilot; Maj. Herbert H.Miller,
navigator; Capt. Robert A.Foster, radar navigator; Capt. Henry W.Goehring,
electronic warfare officer; and TSgt. Michael E.Picus, gunner.
FB-111 Aardvark & KC-135 Stratotankers |
The 529th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) was
reactivated on January 1, 1971. Construction requirements for the new
FB-111A were completed in 1969. Col.G.R.Abendhoff, 380th BW's commander,
and Lt.Col. Eugene W. Loy, 4007th CCTS commander, piloted the first
FB-111A to the base during Open House ceremonies on Jul.17, 1971. On
August 1, 1971, Det.1 of the 4007th CCTS was activated to instruct the
combat crews in the sophisticated systems that equipped the FB-111A. On
June 6, 1972, the SAC Inspector General declared the wing totally prepared
to implement its Emergency War Order mission. As part of a program to
improve surviviability against an increased sea-launched ballistic missile
threat, SAC assigned on a temporary duty basis part of its bombers and
tankers fleet to satellite bases in the early 1970s. During 1973, FB-111A
from the 380th BW were on alert at Kincheloe AFB, Michigan and Grissom
AFB, Indiana.
During September 1971, Detachment 18, 44th Aerospace
rescue and Recovery Squadron (ARRS) was activated on the base to support
the FB-111 program by maintaining rescue and fire control alert. Det. 18
was assigned two HH-43 "Huskie" under the command of Lt.Col. Stewart
Jordan. On July 1, 1972, the 380th Strategic Aerospace Wing (Heavy) was
redesignated the 380th Bombardment Wing (Medium) and was declared
operational with the FB-111A. As part of a SAC-wide move to give munitions
maintenance squadrons the same numerical designation as the wing to which
it is assigned, the 40th MMS was inactivated and the 380th MMS activated
on October 1, 1972. The first mission of a wing's FB-111A equipped with
the SRAM took place on April 20, 1973. On the same day, SAC Headquarters
announced that 10 KC-135 tanker aircraft were to be relocated to
Plattsburgh AFB from Westover AFB, Mass., by September. June 1973 saw the
arrival of the HH-1H "Huey" assigned to Det. 18. The H-models were
responsible for search and rescue within a radius of approx. 100 miles.
With the addition of 975 pounds capacity internal auxiliary fuel tanks,
the Huey could fly 100 miles to the rescue area, hover for one hour and
return to the base. This gave the HH-1H, a 360-degree search area of
nearly 10,000 square miles which could easily be increased since the
aircraft could land nearly anywhere to take on fuel from trucks. The first
HH-1H assigned to Plattsburgh was ferried from the Bell Helicopter factory
at Fort Worth, Tx. by a crew from Aerospace Rescue and Recovery
Headquarters at Scott AFB, Il. Ferry crew members were Maj. John Flourney,
aircraft commander; Maj.John Hartwig, co-pilot; and SSgt. George Bohl,
flight engineer.
On July 26, 1973, the first of twenty KC-135Q models
to arrive at Plattsburgh from McCoy AFB landed at the base. The crew
flying the first "Q" here was Crew S-154 from the 310th ARS, under the
command of Capt. Norman L. Hythecker, with Lt. James C.McLaughlin as a
co-pilot and Capt. Roger A. Hedberg in the navigator position. The boom
operator was TSgt. Roland Adgers who had the longest time at PAFB and most
time in the aircraft, five and a half years in the area and 3,800 hours in
the tanker. On September 1, 1973, the last KC-135Q 58-0049 from the 306th
Bomb Wing at McCoy AFB flew to Plattsburgh AFB. Aboard the last 'Q' from
McCoy were Col. John J. Murphy, 42nd Air Division Commander, the aircrew
and several members of the 306th BW. The KC-135Q was emblazoned with "City
of Orlando" with a palm tree on the left side of the nose and "City of
Plattsburgh" with a pine tree on the other side. The major differences
between the KC-135Q and other KC-135s were primarily related to the fuel
system and rendezvous and communications systems. The KC-135Q utilized two
single-point refueling receptables, one in each main landing gear wheel
well, whereas other KC-135s have only located in the right main gear well.
On the 'Q', the left system serviced the airplane's wing tanks and the
right system serviced the body fuel tanks. JP-7 was normally carried only
in the body fuel tanks. To account for changes in the airplane's center of
gravity during SR-71 refueling operations, 850 lb of ballast was added to
the lower nose compartment. The KC-135Q was able to carry simultaneously a
maximum of 74,490 lb of JP-7 and 110,000 lb of JP-4. Rendezvous and
communications equipment differences included the addition of a third UHF
radio and an AN/ARN-90 TACAN, both located at the navigator's station. In
the late 80s, a satellite communication (SATCOM) antenna was installed on
the upper forward fuselage.
During the 1974 Strategic Air Command's bombing and
navigation competition, the FB-111 and KC-135 crews from the 380th
combined their effort with the support personnel to prove to be "The best
of the best" in earning the Fairchild Trophy for the highest combined
bomber and tanker scores during the competition. The 380th BW was the
first Wing equipped with the FB-111A to win the competition and would
dominate again in the years to come. The 380th BW was recognized for
exceptionally meritorious service from July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975 and
received the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award. In 1978, the wing won the
Fairchild Trophy for the fourth consecutive time, a SAC record. In 1978, a
Plattsburgh tanker crew had the honor of flying the last "in country" air
refueling mission in Thailand and participate in the redeployment of F-4s
from Thailand under "Coronet Climax".
1980 began with a new challenge for the Wing after
being named the official military support installation for the 1980 Winter
Olympics at Lake Placid, NY. The 380th coordinated helicopter rescue
mission conducted by Detachment 18. The Det. assisted the civilian
community in the North Country area through its participation in the
Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic program. The MAST program was
created by the Department of Defense and allowed the use of military
helicopters to respond to medical emergencies in area where support cannot
be rendered by civilian agencies. The primary mission of Det.18 was Combat
Rescue.The 380th BW continued its excellent performance into the 1980s,
earning its second Air Force Outstanding Unit Award for exceptionally
meritorious service from July 1, 1979 to June 30, 1980, and Outstanding
ratings on the SAC "Buy None" readiness exercise in 1982 and 1983. In
1982, the first reunion of the surviving members of the 380th Bombardment
Group which formed the 380th Bombardment Group Association was held. The
second reunion took place at Plattsburgh AFB in September 1983 and on this
occasion, dedication of the Plattsburgh Military Museum was one of the
highlights of the reunion. 1984 started with a fitting tribute to both the
380th Bombardment Wing and the 380th Bombardment Group. The 380th BG was
inactivated and consolidated with the 380th BW by order of the Secretary
of the Air Force on Jan.31, 1984. As the year progressed, the 380th once
again proved itself worthy of its motto, "Best of the Best", as it
achieved an unprecedented fifth Fairchild Trophy at the annual SAC Bombing
and Navigation Competition. In addition to winning the Fairchild, which
established a record of five trophies for one unit, the Wing captured its
second Saunders Trophy for the best air refueling unit and the "Best
FB-111 Crew Award". The Omaha Trophy for the best overall SAC wing for the
1984' s calendar year was awarded to the Wing on July 11. In 1985, the
380th BW received the pinnacle award for SAC Wings. In 1985, the 380th BW
had more assigned aircraft than any other SAC wing. Plattsburgh AFB was
the home of two FB-111A squadrons, the 528th and 529th; two KC-135As
squadrons, the 310th and 380th; and the 4007th CCTS responsible for
training all SAC FB-111A pilots and navigators. Other units of the wing
included the 380th Organizational Maintenance Squadron, the 380th
Munitions Maintenance Squadron, the 380th Field Maintenance Squadron, the
380th Transportation Squadron, the 380th Supply Squadron, the 380th Combat
Support Group, the 380th Mission Support Squadron, and the USAF Hospital.
During the summer of 1988, a full complement of the 380th BW deployed for
the first time since World War II. Over 300 men and women deployed to a
forward operating base in support of "Mighty Warrior 88", a SAC wide
exercise held to better enable the various SAC wings to carry out their
respective missions under austere conditions. In September 1990, crews
from both Air Refueling Squadrons combined with personnel from other units
to form the 1703rd Air Refueling Wing (Provisional) in Saudi Arabia,
supporting Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. During that year,
Plattsburgh became the host for the Tanker Task Force previously at Pease
AFB, and assumed the responsibility for planning and providing air
refueling for all TAC unit movements, TTF ferry missions, Military Airlift
Command (MAC) missions, European Tanker Task Force (ETTF) deployers and
redeployers, and other missions directed by Headquarters SAC and 8th Air
The 380th BW began retiring its FB-111A in 1990 and
one-half of the SAC FB-111A force was retired by December 31, 1990. On
July 10, 1991, Strategic Air Command and the 380th Bomber Wing said
goodbye to the FB-111A when the last 4 operational aircraft left
Plattsburgh AFB for their final flight to preservation in museums. The
380th BMW was redesignated the 380th Air Refueling Wing a few days earlier
on July 1, 1991. The mission of the 380th ARW was to provide worldwide air
refueling with its KC-135A/Q and serves as host to the Tanker Task Force
operation. The 380th ARW Tanker Task Force was responsible for supporting
most of the transoceanic operations on the East Coast.
The 380th ARW participated in the 34th and final SAC
Bombing and Navigation competition in April 1992. Nicknamed "Proud Shield
92", the competition demonstrated bomber and tanker capabilities,
procedures, tactics and concepts. "Proud Shield" featured 21 active-duty
SAC units along with six AFRES units, nine ANG units and one Tactical Air
Command unit. Team Plattsburgh placed a strong second among the 24
competing for the Saunders Trophy
A Team Plattsburgh aircrew established itself as the
finest KC-135 crew in the Air Mobility Command "Rodeo 92" at Pope AFB,
N.C. in June 1992. The crew of Capt. Mike Minahan, aircraft commander;
Capt. Mark Lane, co-pilot; Capt.Gene Moty, navigator; and SrA. Erik
Prince, boom operator captures top honors by placing first in the tactical
navigation category with a score of 342 points. The crew also received the
maximum points possible (400 points) in the air-refueling
During 1992, the 380th ARW converted from the
KC-135A/Q to the R/T model. That process took almost a year. The most
noticeable difference between the A and R model were the engines; quieter
and more fuel efficient CFM 56 engines. The first R, 63-8872 arrived on
Sept.30 and was christened "Spirit of Plattsburgh". Aircraft were
scheduled to arrive at about three per month through the end of the summer
1993. The official acceptance ceremony took place on October 30. During
the ceremony, one KC-135A and a KC-135R flew a low approach. The KC-135A
departed the field following its low appraoch symbolizing its departure
from Plattsburgh while the KC-135R landed and taxied to the Brown hangar,
symbolizing its arrival at Plattsburgh. The KC-135A was flown by Capt.
Thomas Coppinger, aircraft commander; Capt. Patrick McCormack, co-pilot;
Capt. Greg Jerell, navigator; A1C J.D.Harston, boom operator and Capt.
Scott Patnode, instructor pilot. The KC-135R was crewed by Col. James
E.Andrews, wing commander; Capt. Chris Rinaldi, co-pilot; Major Mike Cole,
navigator; A1C David Steiner, boom operator and SSgt. Tim Gemsheim, boom
operator instructor.
On June 24, 1993, the Base Realignment and Closure
Commission voted to close Plattsburgh AFB and give a new Air Mobility Wing
to McGuire AFB, NJ. The 380th ARW controlled the 42nd ARS at Loring AFB,
Me, the 509th ARS from Griffiss AFB, NY and the European Tanker Task
Force, which provided operational refueling to England and Saudi
The 380th ARW deployed for the last time to
participate in "Crisis Look'94" from McGuire AFB, NJ. in March 1994. More
than 450 wing members from Plattsburgh and Griffiss AFB deployed for the
exercise testing the wing's ability to mobilize, deploy and operate in
abare base environment. The wing deployed a total of 13 tankers, six from
Plattsburgh and seven from Griffiss.
During 1994, Plattsburgh AFB and AMC continued to
support NATO aircraft patrolling the skies over Bosnia-Herzegovina as part
of Operation Deny Flight. Aircrews and support personel from the 380th ARW
and the 509th ARS deployed to Istres AB, France and Pisa AB, Italy to
provide aerial refueling for the operation. In July, a 21-member from the
380th ARW left Plattsburgh AFB to compete in "Rodeo 94" at McChord AFB,
Plattsburgh's long relationship with the KC-135 came
to an end when the 380th ARW bid farewell to its two flying
squadrons. The deactivation ceremony took place on September 26, 1994 in
presence of Brig. Gen. Thomas Pilsch, 21st Air Force Commander and Col.
Christopher Kelly, 380th Operations Group Commander. Both the 380th and
310th AREFS, and the 380th OG were officially deactivated that day.
Shortly after, Col. Robert E.Dawson, last 380th ARW's commander boarded
the last KC-135 stationed on the base and flew the last mission of the
380th ARW. With special guests and representatives of the local medias,
the aircraft took Air Refueling Track 204 Southwest to Loring AFB, ME and
headed back down the West coast of Maine where it hooked up with 2 B-52s.
After the aircraft left, the only mission for the 380th ARW was the
closure of the base set for September 1995.
Plattsburgh AFB was officially closed on Sept.30, 1995
as a result of the 1993 Defense Closure and Realignment actions. The
closure ceremony took place on Sept.29 with New York Congressman John
M.McHugh; Rodney A.Coleman, assistant secretary of the Air Force for
manpower, reserve affairs, installations and environment; Lt.Gen.Edwin
E.Tenoso, 21st Air Force Vice Commander; and Col. Robert E.Dawson, 380th Air
Refueling Wing commander, as guests of honor.
Comment by Visitor
I was surfing the Web today and came across your site on Plattsburg AFB. You
have done a super job on this and so many other pieces of the history of SAC.
Well done! I particularly enjoyed your discussion of the KC-135Q -- had not
seen that anywhere.
There is one small detail you might want to correct
when you have a chance. I was the presiding officer at the September 26, 1994,
deactivation ceremony. In your description of the event, you list my title as
21st Air Force Commander. In fact, I was the Vice Commander. Again, a small
detail, but since you have commented yourself to accuracy, I though you would
want to know.
Thomas D. Pilsch, Brig Gen, USAF (Ret)
(Author: correction made)
Following the closure of the base, the Plattsburgh Air
base Redevelopment Corporation (PARC) was created to fill the gap in the
economy of the region and attract new businesses on the former base. It is
interesting to note that the base is in a mothball state and looks ready
to be back in operation on a short notice. |
"Pride of the Adirondacks" was preserved and put on
display at the entrance of the base on Feb.8, 1966. The aircraft stands in
memory of the crews and maintenance men who flew and supported B-47s at
the base during that past decade. Dedication ceremonies for the jet took
place on March 21, 1966 in front of an attendance numbering more than 300
persons. Interestingly, the same day marked three milestones; the 20th
anniversary of the Strategic Air Command, the 10th anniversary from the
date the first B-47 was received at Plattsburgh AFB as well as the
dedication of this permanent monument as a reminder of the part this
aircraft played in the nation's defense in the North Country. |
City of Plattsburgh,
circa 1950 |
Last B-47 Crew |